Le rose di Hilde a ‘Vigna Petrussa’

As the time goes by fast ...

I can still hear the voice of Hilde Petrussa while, pride in showing me the roses at the head of the rows of its vineyards, I said: “Have you seen my roses are as beautiful?” Although it's been over a month since our meeting in Prepotto, if I close my eyes, the memory of those colors are still vivid in my mind.

At one time the farmers planted at the head of the rows as they are subject to the same diseases of the vine, powdery mildew and downy mildew; the attack on the roses, however, always occurred in advance, foreshadowing the imminent danger to winegrowers who acted with treatments based on sulfur.

Today, their function more than anything else is to beautify the vineyards; I however like to once again remind the fine traditions of times gone by appreciating those who continuity.

I wanted to introduce Hilde Petrussa so, con le sue rose ...

A woman of wine that is Dove with passion and enthusiasm in conducting small vineyard Family located at Albanian, location of the City of Prepotto in the eastern hills of Friuli.

The daughter of farmers, he lived for thirty years between Conegliano and Portogruaro working in the administration of different schools. Once you retire has been dedicated to the adaptation of its vineyards, favoring the native varieties and engaging in conduct rigorous vineyard: Guyot unilateral in new plants, inerbimento, low yields and handpicking the grapes, that have led to higher concentrations of aromatic and structural wine.

Ciao Hilde, a te the oral ...

  • I describe the land on which you lie your vines?

Hello Cynthia, the valley in which it is my property, between the hills and the Judrio, is protected from the wind and is very sunny, with a micro-climate and terrain of Eocene marl (locally called ponka) ideal for the cultivation of the vine.

  • What are the wines to which you are most closely tied to?

As you may have noticed I had a particular focus on the Schioppettino Prepotto, wine typical of my common. I was a co-founder of the Association of Manufacturers Schioppettino Prepotto with others and first president of the association.

During i 5 years of my term, with the help of technicians in the country and winemakers, have agreed on a production specification and I had the satisfaction of getting the sub for this vine.

Other wines to which they are particularly fond of is the White "Richenza", cuvee made from grapes coming from native grapes partially dried and fermented in French oak barrels. Also produce Friulano, Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Refosco dal peduncolo rosso.

  • Are you a woman of wine. What is your experience in this world?

Although women in a world still very masculine, I was able to overcome misunderstandings, mistrust and difficulties. I believe that the obsessive attention to the vineyard and my efforts have been crucial to the goals that I have achieved. With a look risky I would say that I tried to put "the territory in the bottle".

I tried also great satisfaction when I got the Grand Gold Medal to the selection of the Mayor with the Piccolit 2005. It was the first time I entered the Capitol to receive the certificate from the hands of the Minister of Agriculture.


Hilde Petrussa

The vineyards of Schioppettino Prepotto

If you think that only a few days ago I was in Prepotto, on the eastern hills of Friuli, then it takes the nostalgia ...

My Friuli origin tie me to those lands, return, when the opportunity presents itself, it is always a pleasure. In this autumn then, with the colors of the vineyards so beautiful, it is even more.

It’ That's why I have not resisted when the friend Paolo Ianna asked me to join him for a Wine Trekking Experience.

You know Paul? Friends, in case you have not the pleasure, look at him in this movie where I started while explaining how to recognize a vine from the shape of its leaves.

During our walk in the vineyard, Paul spoke of viticulture referring in particular to the event just spent dedicated to the promotion of the culture of Schioppettino Prepotto.

Let's hear how it went ...

  • Paul, for those who still do not know I ask, you know ... the "identity card" of Schioppettino Prepotto.

Cynthia. I answer, drawing heavily from an in-depth article on the journal Schioppettino bed of territorial culture “Tiere furlane – Friuli” released in October 2011 a firma di Maria Cristina Pugnetti, well prepared freelance journalist Friuli.

"Schioppettino, also called black Ribolla, would be part of the large family of Ribolle, tutte ben radicate in Friuli: Ribolla yellow, in friulano Ribuele, variety is the best known, mainly cultivated in the hills of the east between the provinces of Udine and Gorizia; Ribolla green Prosecco which should correspond to long; the ribuele spizade, who still identifies with the same Prosecco long as measured from the examination of DNA. Finally Ribolla black, a grape variety grown on the eastern hills, between the two provinces above named, and beyond the border, in Slovenia. Ribolla black found in the municipality of Prepotto the area where unable to give their best, through the resulting wine, known as Schioppettino or Pòcalza in Slovenian. The cluster is pyramid-shaped winged and good size. The berries are slightly oblong. The taste is quite pleasant, so as to be commonly consumed at the table. "

  • What has emerged substantially in these days dedicated to the promotion of Schioppettino Prepotto?

We were able, in the two-day event Schioppettino Prepotto "ONLY FOR NATURE", to disclose the existence of an already well known enough wine, through a conference that described the life from its appearance. We were able to explain and show the "Vineyard Catalogue" made in 2005 Association of Manufacturers Schioppettino Prepotto. A vineyard that covers all the varieties of this grape variety found in the area, and then an archive from which to draw guidelines for new plants.

A guided tasting of well- 16 Schioppettino of 16 different companies Prepotto, in the glass to show a commitment to make a wine that manages to express a strong personality that emerges in each sample tasted very personal style in spite of the addresses. I would argue that those who participated it was a bit 'seduced ...

  • We know that the treatments in viticulture, partly necessary, affect the work of the operators directly involved in the vineyards. But something is changing. In early 2014, in fact, regulations will come into force in safeguarding the health of growers. Paul, a te the oral.

From January 2014 entrerà in vigore the European Directive 2009/128 that rule through new parameters totally different from the past, the use of pesticides in agriculture. Through a far-sighted and intelligent strategy can transform the application of Directive (tax), a valuable opportunity for development and greater attractiveness of the assets obtained with a type of agriculture more careful.

Sustainability and compatibility are the requirements that should and must have the products to gain or regain the consumer markets more demanding. Compatibility 360 degrees: environmental, social and seeks to increase the profitability of companies.





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