Bresaola ... A Chiavenna call Brisaola.

Un tour per la Valchiavenna: La Brisaola di Stefano MasantiPalazzo Vertemate Franchi – Mamete Prevostini

L’importanza della Tracciabilità degli Alimenti.

start from here, by this typical product that, if you have done by hand, It uses a beef and not of zebu, as it is typical in the industry. seasoned with salt, aromi e spezie, la cui lavorazione è fondamentale quanto l’ambiente. In the presence of Valchiavenna crotti, natural caves used by local communities to preserve meats and cheeses, è determinante per la giusta stagionatura di questi prodotti. La particolarità di queste cavità naturali formate da massi di rocce è il ‘sorel’ (scythe shape dialettale "Zorah", ventilation). Una corrente d’aria che fuoriesce dagli spiragli e che permette di mantenere una temperatura ideale senza grosse variazioni, cool, moist depending on the season.

traditional products that craftsmen follow with care and that this must be defended. Questo per sottolineare l’importanza di un controllo cheQR garantisca il percorso di un prodotto, dal produttore fino al consumatore: the Traceability of Food. About this Stefano Masanti, cook, artigiano e patron del Ristorante “Il Cantinonea Madesimo, con la sua “Ma! Officina Gastronomica” (But come Butsanti, Butdesimo e Butglio, his collaborator), He has launched a project to that effect through a 'labeling using the QR code. A barcode that through the proper application, It allows us to trace with the reading from the mobile to useful information to know the origin of products. Its, una Brisaola senza nitriti aggiunti, prodotta artigianalmente a quota 1.550 meters, where the mountain air is drier.

A day spent with a group of people linked to the world of food and wine communication, che mi ha permesso di assaggiare le sue creazioni e di degustare eccellenti Valtellina wines told by the winemakers present with us during lunch. Stefano Masanti, cuoco e artigiano, una vita molto intensa ed impegnata, che spesso non da spazio ad altro. Si è parlato anche di questo. Soon, with his wife, He will depart for California for a few months, for work, but with different rhythms. Taking your time is essential to continue to do well.

Ristorante Il Cantinone – Via De Giacomi, 39 Madesimo (SO) www.ristorantecantinone.com

Palazzo Vertemate Franchi

Nel pomeriggio, con un piccolo gruppo, ci siamo spostati a Prosto di Piuro per visitare Palazzo Vertemate Franchi. A beautiful sixteenth-century Lombard residence, Renaissance masterpiece, sober façade but the interior full of frescoes and period furniture. Una tenuta in cui è ben visibile l’attività agricola che in passato sosteneva la famiglia Vertemate Franchi. a vineyard, an orchard, a cellar and an ice. Non manca nemmeno un fantasma, ben conosciuto dalle signore per i ‘noti’ scherzi notturni…

Palazzo Vertemate Franchi, aperto da Marzo a Novembre. www.palazzovertemate.it Piazza Caduti della Libertà – Chiavenna (SO)

Mamete Prevostini

you can not end a day in Valchiavenna without having eaten good pizzoccheri con verze e patate. A dirla tutta stavolta ho fatto il bis, or better, I also tasted the white dumplings Month made with white flour and bread crumbs, che da queste parti chiamano pizzoccheri bianchi. Good and delicate. The Restaurant Crostasc Mese, in provincia di Sondrio, è stato il primo crotto in Valchiavenna ad aprire al pubblico nel 1928. For the past three generations the family leads this local Prevostini, hour restaurant, con una cucina tipica che richiama la tradizione enogastronomica di queste valli.

At the table next to me Mamete Prevostini, winegrower di Valtellina. In quest’area vitivinicola nota per i suoi terrazzamenti coltiva il suo Nebbiolo. La nuova cantina con sede a Postalesio, also in the province of Sondrio, ha ottenuto recentemente la certificazione CasaClima Wine. Un marchio di qualità dell’Agenzia CasaClima di Bolzano a tutela dell’ambiente, che garantisce l’ecocompatibilità, building energy efficiency, and the optimization of consumption of the whole wine production chain resources.

Ristorante Crotasc Via Don Primo Lucchinetti, 63 Month (SO) www.ristorantecrotasc.com www.mameteprevostini.com

Al prossimo tour…

My explorations in GourmArte 2014

It has just successfully completed the third edition of GourmArte, the three-day food and wine event that takes place annually at the Fiera di Bergamo. A format organized by Ente Fiera Promoberg percent dedicated to excellence in Lombardy, created and led by Elio Ghisalberti, journalist and industry expert. As in previous editions, area reserved for productions it was possible to devote tastings and knowledge producers, while in space dedicated to catering, has been able to taste a selection of dishes of famous chefs and restaurateurs Lombard.

A special edition that coincided with the award of Premio Luigi Veronelli ten years after the disappearance of the wine journalist. Only category 'The Earth'. Prize Giorgio Grai, Trentino winemaker from long experience, Nataša Černic, young winemaker of a land as difficult as that of the Karst, and finally Marisa Cuomo, that, with her husband Andrea Ferraioli, stood out for having been able to tear strips of land to be dedicated to the cultivation of the vine in Amalfi Coast. Having said, I will tell you of some production from the many exposed that caught my attention. It happens when, in the stories of the people, emerging environmental awareness, the quality and originality of the productions.

Always a pleasure to meet friends of Cantina di Quistello.  Il loro Lambrusco Grappello Ruberti mi riporta alle mie origini mantovane, and an extensive territory along the banks of the river Secchia ancient traditions wine.

Cantina di Quistello

A delightful surprise meeting with Marco Church, My kind guide to the pleasant taste of wine 'Azienda Agricola San Michele Capriano del Colle, in the province of Brescia. I particularly appreciated the intensity and the body of the '1884 Red Book' : Marzemino 40%, Sangiovese 40%, Merlot 15% and Barbera 5%. A great value for money.

Azienda Agricola San Michele

I know the Blue Buffalo? It 'a cheese' character 'of my favorites, which owes its name to the blue-green mold used to make Gorgonzola. Paolo Leone, my cheese expert, describes it as tasty and persistent. This is one of the Dairy Farm Four Gates Cologno al Serio, in the province of Bergamo.

Dairy Farm Four Gates

Walking through the stands I could not avoid to stop in front of the Bonucci Truffles Romano di Lombardia (BG). Irresistible perfume. I met so Gloria Bonucci, third generation of truffle, that with the help of his dog continues the family tradition. Tells his passion on his blog Passion Undergrowth. To follow! 😉

Gloria Bonucci

Gloria Bonucci

Host region of this edition of GourmArte Sardinia. The witness'Azienda Agricola Fratelli Pinna Ittiri, in the province of Sassari. A reality of family 170 hectares for the cultivation of olive trees of centenarians 'Bosana', a cultivar diffused in the north of the island. An extra virgin olive oil that I enjoyed for intense aromas and flavors. The oil in the mouth ...

Azienda Agricola Fratelli Pinna

Inevitable a greeting to friends of 'Azienda Agricola Salera. This time I found very interesting their puffed rice with saffron and spinach prepared by chef Antonio Cuomo. A good alternative to be proposed for aperitifs.

Azienda Agricola Salera

Agriculture can help in many ways. The Cafe Milano Treviglio did recovering an ancient cultivation of melons Calvenzano with it and producing a liquor. You drink it in small glasses of chocolate and it matches the Turta de Trei, a cake in the 90s won the competition of the Association of City Shops Treviglio. Two creations of their production.

Cafe Milano

Do you like the Pomegranate? A me si, I put it even in the salad. Do you think that in Milan by a pomegranate tree grew on a terrace, a family starting to produce a liquor to friends, gave birth to a real production. It is called Melogranello®.  Sometimes you have to dare!


Productions to be told there would be many more. But some want to go to meet you directly in the field, I like it. That said, ora concluderò questo mio racconto mostrandovi qualche piatto che ho avuto il piacere di assaggiare. 🙂


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