CastelBrando, a “faro illuminato” sulla storia a Cison di Valmarino.

Un esempio di imprenditoria di successo e di rivalutazione del territorio.

Come ho scritto più volte, la mia passione per la storia e l’atmosfera unica che vivo visitando i castelli e le dimore storiche, mi portano, nei miei itinerari di viaggio, a non perdere occasione per visitarli. Difficile a spiegarsi, ma ogni volta che entro in questi ambienti, è quasi come vivere un déjà vu… in silenzio viaggio con la mente in tempi lontani, rivivendo così un’epoca che fu. Purtroppo mi imbatto spesso in edifici di rilevante carattere artistico in grave stato di degrado. Testimonianze del passato imbruttite dallo scorrere del tempo, trascurate per negligenza o per mancanza di risorse economiche.

Ci sono però eccezioni che fanno ben sperare e che vanno segnalate, affinché altri, con capacità finanziarie e imprenditoriali, ne possano prendere spunto ridando all’uomo secoli di civiltà che appartengono all’uomo. Massimo Colomban, imprenditore nativo della zona, con determinazione ha investito le sue risorse, derivanti dall’attività di sperimentazione mondiale nel campo dell’architettura, nel turismo culturale. Il risultato di questo intervento è il restauro di CastellBrando a Cison di Valmarino, in the province of Treviso.

L’Architetto Guglielmo Monti, ai tempi del restauro Soprintendente ai Beni Architettonici ed Ambientali del Veneto Orientale, giustamente scrisse: “Il CastelBrando può essere considerato un cavallo di Troia per veicolare in una società sinora scarsamente interessata a ciò che va oltre l’immediata profitto, una maggiore lungimiranza capace di scorgere nell’eredità dei secoli la vera ricchezza della nostra popolazione. L’orgoglio per le radici storiche può diventare la molla per cambiare le nostre abitudini.”


A complesso storico fra i più grandi e antichi d’Europa a 400 meters above sea level, in cui si respirano 2000 anni di storia relativi al periodo romano, longobardo, all’altomedioevo, all’età della Serenissima e al settecento. Il suo uso nei secoli è passato dal difensivo al residenziale, fino a diventare con l’abbellimento artistico delle sue sale, una dimora patrizia. Il recupero eseguito nel rispetto degli stili architettonici che nel tempo lo hanno contraddistinto è iniziato nell’Ottobre del 1998, e si è concluso nel Luglio del 2002.


Una dimora circondata da boschi secolari nella quiete della natura, con una superficie complessiva di circa 20.000 metri quadrati distribuiti su nove livelli: tre teatri, quattro saloni settecenteschi, un hotel storico, un ristorante, una Spa & Wellness, un centro congressi e un’area espositiva interna ed esterna. Un castello accessibile a tutti attraverso visite guidate che permettono di riviverne la storia.

CastelBrando 4

Io l’ho fatto solo pochi giorni fa unendo alla sua visita una tappa nel paese che lo accoglie, Cison di Valmarino, uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia. Nell’occasione ho avuto modo di apprezzare la 35′ edizione di “Artigianato Vivo“, la manifestazione che dal 7 to the 16 August 2015 ha aperto al pubblico le sue corti all’arte creativa e alle tradizioni tramandate grazie ai saperi e ai mestieri.

Artigianato Vivo

Via Brandolini Brando, 29
Cison di Valmarino (TV)

I miei rifugi estivi: boschi, spiagge, cantine e… vini d’estate.

Tenute Tomasella – Mansuè (TV)

È un inizio di Giugno molto caldo questo del 2015, lo è stato talmente da farmi scapEraclea Marepare qualche giorno al mare in cerca di un po’ di refrigerio. Come to abitudine, quando posso, torno nelle terre in cui ho passato l’infanzia, a Treviso. La spiaggia più vicina che prediligo è quella di Eraclea Mare, in provincia di Venezia. Vado la mattina presto, quando ancora i più dormono, quando il mare lo si vive in tranquillità… facendo lunghe passeggiate sulla spiaggia e nella pineta.

Oltre a rinfrescarmi recupero così energia e benessere, ma poi il caldo torna… e allora che si fa? Be’, direi che l’ambiente ideale in cui spostarsi per continuare a godere di un po’ di fresco è una cantina. Se poi visitandola si assaggiano buoni vini, il benessere si completa. La scelta questa volta è caduta sulle Tenute Tomasella di Mansuè, in the province of Treviso. Un’azienda agricola fondata nel 1965, situata tra il Friuli e il Veneto. Una cantina di confine come la chiama Paolo Tomasella, titolare e mia gentile guida.

Vigneti Tenuta TomasellaTrenta gli ettari vitati, ventitré in Veneto e sette in Friuli, divisi dalla DOC delle Grave del Friuli e dalla DOC del Piave. Ho scelto di visitarle dopo avere assaggiato il loro Merlot in una nota enoteca di Motta di Livenza, dopo essere entrata in altre, con vini che differenza ne facevano ben poca, oltretutto serviti a temperature sbagliate, e senza alcuna presentazione. Una mancanza che in una terra di vino come questa, alas, ogni volta mi lascia perplessa. As I often say, c’è chi si accontenta di bere vino, e chi a differenza il vino lo degusta, traendo da esso piacere, esperienza e conoscenza.

Paolo Tomasella, come molti, vive due vite: una nel settore del mobile, e l’altra, per passione e per tradizione familiare, agriculture. Accompagnato dall’enologo Angelo Solci, attraverso i viaggi nei territori e nelle produzioni, negli anni ha acquisito quella consapevolezza ed esperienza che ora lo porta a scelte e a percorsi meno facili, ma senza dubbio più stimolanti. In 2013 l’azienda è entrata a far parte del Progetto Tergeo dell’Unione Italiana Vini. Finalizzato al sostegno delle pratiche sostenibili in viticoltura, aderisce alle linee di difesa previste dal disciplinare di produzione integrata delle regioni Veneto e Friuli.

Paolo Tomasella

Ma torniamo al caldo torrido di questi giorni… vogliamo parlare di vini d’estate? Con Paolo, nella scelta per la degustazione, si è optato proprio in questa direzione. Ora vi descriverò cosa ho avuto il piacere di assaggiare. Some, in questa terra sarebbe stato più facile parlarvi di Prosecco, sia pur di qualità, DOC o DOCG, ma io non lo farò, semplicemente perché amo parlare di produzioni senza dubbio meno conosciute.

In un caldo pomeriggio di ‘quasi estate’ mi è stato proposto uno spumante rosato demi-sec, Osè, Refosco e Verduzzo appassito in pianta. Un vino fresco dal color rosa corallo e dai profumi di melograno e lampone. In bocca un perlage fine, sapori delicati e persistenti. Paul, osando, l’ha definito un vino da bordo piscina; per quanto mi riguarda lo ritengo una valida alternativa alle solite proposte, gradevole e non impegnativa.

Osè, Rosato

Ho continuato la degustazione con una produzione particolare: Chinomoro, Merlot chinato. Un vino da meditazione dai profumi e sapori speciali grazie all’aggiunta di essenze digestive: Aloe, Artemisia, Colombo, Coriandolo, Rabarbaro, China, Arancio, Sambuco e altre indicate da antiche ricette popolari tramandate da generazioni. Accompagnato da cioccolato fondente, ha reso piacevole il mio fresco pomeriggio di ‘quasi estate’ in cantina.

Chinomoro, Merlot Chinato

Tenute Tomasella – www.tenute-tomasella.it

Via Rigole, 103 – Mansue’ (Treviso)

Roberto Franzin, a chef in Rome with my heart in Treviso

There are chefs who feel the need to live in intimacy in their kitchen. Their mission is, as well as cooking, give the correct expression of the territory to the dishes that process.

In this regard I think of the words of my dear friend Roman Giorgio Ferrari: “The History of Italian territory pulses at each step. Why do some dishes are done so in a certain place and not in another? Because creativity, the imagination and the needs of the people of that place have created the kitchen”.

It 's so that Roberto Franzin, a cook Treviso moved to Rome for a few years, I described his work. I got to know him recently at a workshop organized by the Group Restaurateur of the Treviso I attended.

He Treviso, I ... well Treviso, the result was a lot of chatter and smiles. Roberto has a dream, tornare home, return to his Treviso. A dream that we share… But now it is his time, and then I will tell him.

He started working at a country inn where the kitchen was poor protagonist.

"Cynthia, I remember that period with deep emotion, because today more than ever I am convinced that what they taught me then, is more important than what I thought I had found out later ".

His father worked the land on behalf of third parties, Roberto sometimes followed him in the vineyard. The earth teaches ...

"With him I learned to smell the scent of the earth, but not only, I learned that plants should love, not dominate ... nothing should be forced ".

His mother briefly met Sicily and the warmth and scents of a unique.

"She gave me a love of cooking and the respect of those products that expertly cultivated in his garden. I have taken away so the taste of the simple things… I interpret this in the memories ".

His career as a chef began in 1985 at the Restaurant The Estrosi, a Oderzo, in the province of Treviso.

"The years go by, and a decade later I realize that in order to follow my passion well I get rid of bureaucracy and accounting. Hence the choice to work as a chef employed, occupandomi only the menu and kitchen management… reached my maturity I could finally dedicate myself to my passion: I offer to take the guidance of the Court Family Restaurant Zanon at the Relais & Chateau Villa Abbazia Follina, noble palace of the seventeenth century. "

The 14 August 2009 Enzo Vizzari, Director of Espresso, organizes a conference in Treviso on the kitchen while making two great teachers of the European landscape: Feel Santimaria, Spanish chef of the restaurant Can Fabes, batches and chef Jean-François Piège, cuoco francese di Les Ambassadeurs Hôtel de Crillon di Parigi. On that occasion, Roberto notes trying to figure out the two poles of the conjunction of two large kitchen which has the honor of assisting.

"Hokey great technique, Santimaria territory pure. I'm curious, I learned to observe, I do not just watch: are two different things. I think it is important to research, but I do not like things extreme. Sometimes I give myself some flight, but were still attached to my territory. I try to reassess the raw material, because I consider it the starting point for good food ".

And it is with the Saints Santimaria, that, After a long chat and a piece of bread dipped in a tomato and seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, opens the way. The dishes Roberto begin to lighten.

"I therefore decided to concentrate on the search of my roots, find the words to hear who I was and where I came from. Today, my kitchen is so…. Territory ".

The path of Roberto continued in Rome, all’Osteria Le Coq. The fate sometimes takes us away from our land, by memories, its perfume. The lure of the roots, however, is too strong ...

"When I go back to Treviso emotion is always the same. I believe that within each of us lies the lived this link, the recall of the roots, almost an umbilical cord ... The memory of Sunday lunch, dell'profumo of boiled, horseradish that my father scratched and kept under vinegar, Bread festival, the smell of burning wood in the fireplace ... in my kitchen and prepare dishes that usually, are evoked those moments ".

Oggi Roberto, at the restaurant Le Coq, prepare a menu named Crumbs be related to its. A sequence of courses that tells, looking out from the kitchen to the tables, to engage the customers as if they were sitting in the kitchen of her home.

“No shortage of contamination, Carbonara goose come hell bigoli, Geese that the Romans brought in Mondragon, small hill of Treviso. Li raised to the power the Jewish people of Giudecca, are born so that my dishes. We must not forget the story ... if we step back, back to what I believe is the future. As for sturgeon in pork, to remind the Romans who once also the Tiber was populated by this prehistoric fish. This genre has never evolved to the needs of the territory, but he preferred to move away. Today in the Sile and the Piave there are still copies that are protected. The game will, resides in that hot stone collected in the Piave holding a slice of the fish that once inhabited most of the Adriatic and its rivers, the embers below to form a slight smoke, accompanied by an ice-water marinated radish and onion Bassano with hints of smoke. The carp was the custom of the kitchen of a time as the savor, for longer storage cooked foods… but here put to preserve its history”.

Do not forget where you come from, otherwise you can not tell who you are, These are the words that told me the Saints Santimaria… Roberto Franzin

Being able to see ... more than one sense a dowry. Dripping Taste 2013 – Treviso

In recent days, a Treviso, ho partecipato ad un workshop led by photographer Mario Fortress, a course organized by the Group Restaurateur of the Treviso, inserted into the photo contest "The Face, il Gesto, il Gusto”. Its purpose, that to deepen their knowledge of messages that your body language, through pictures, provides us with the time.

Have you ever seen the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan? Well, this is much more of a wall painting, is an epitome of unread messages through symbols, expressions, and signals, that the author has deliberately restricted the watchful eyes and prepared. If you will observe, do it with the attention it deserves, I assure you that what you will derive will be unforgettable ...

I made this assumption because, when you look at this my photo report, you will see what they have caught my eye, that fleeting moment I stood still in an image. The important thing is that 'you see really', without stopping just to look. More shots that are reminders of the heart, transmitted through pictures to relive and recall memories. In sharing my own way, sending messages and emotions ... for those who can see, and for those who can catch them ...

The meeting is knowledge and emotion ...

It 's so, I am increasingly convinced. The meeting is emotion, is discovered, is listening, enrichment of life is ... Around a table, together with the group of people who have participated in this initiative, is started, so our knowledge.



The wine is history, territory is, is passion… Wine brings people together.

We had to start with a toast. We toast to meetings, friendships, victories ... I toast 'health'!

La Tordera - Costa del Mau Valdobbiadene

The wine is history, territory and passion. The wine brings people together.

The interpretations of the images ...

Mario has seen fit to begin to know each other with a small test. Each of us chose, among many photographs scattered on the table, two that we liked and no one. Personal interpretation of an image can tell a lot about a person ...

Reading images

Reading images

With the scents you travel in time ...

The smell of food makes us travel through time and memories, but not only takes us back ... with my mind in a territory. These days I met Vuance, or better, dolce Viktoriya Litvinchuk.

The scents of food

The scents of food

Treviso… youth, l’agricoltura, e the earth.

Sono linked to this city for my roots, for the childhood memories, and the land.

Here is a young farmer that system to the art of radicchio… What a beautiful image! I love agriculture, farms, animals… not for nothing are a farm-blogger! 😉 Questo è il mio sogno di vita… convinced increasingly, che il futuro lo abbiamo sotto i piedi.

I giovani e l'agricoltura

The youth and agriculture

The courage to change my life ...

Here Andrea Fighera, a young man who decided to make a change in their lives. He left his old job to devote himself to the production of cheese in 'Farm family "Vaka Mora", a Sala d’Istrana.

Andrea Fighera dell'Azienda Agricola Vaka Mora. The courage to change.

Azienda Agricola Andrea fighera Vaka Mora. The courage to change.

The craft…

Andrea fighera intent on breaking the curd while I, fase per fase, firm and share the images. Too bad that you can not even transfer the fragrance…

The breaking of the curd

The breaking of the curd

The tenderness of the animals ...

It’ so… animals and their eyes they send me peace, tenderness, and well-being…



Chef in the spotlight ...

Cooks or superstar? Much debated topic now… No doubt this is their moment, but we are sure that you are not overdoing? More and more I look at this picture ... I think the creativity alive in the intimacy.

Chef Mirco Migotto

Chef Mirco Migotto

Cucinare è un’arte…

It’ a lifestyle choice that requires effort, knowledge and creativity…  un’arte che richiede passione.

Cucinare è un'arte

Cucinare è un’arte

The artisans of taste

The artisans make Italy great taste in the world. The continuity of experience, from generation to generation, means that the traditions handed down in the history are not lost. The Pastry historical Ardizzoni it is a worthy example.

The Artigianato. Pastry Ardizzoni

About, this is my last thought for you Mario. I had to write two lines for each photo, lo so, mi scuserai, are not always successful… I think you understand, have a romantic rebel who acts on instinct and belief… it's too late to change me.

I ragazzi di @trevisocomicbookfestival

With the boys oftrevisocomicbookfestival



With Michela Pierallini

With Michela Pierallini


"Around the fields with Fausto Delegà… to collect and Silene Hops "

He collects them, and I pick him, or better, his stories! 🙂

Today we speak of Silene and Hops. Pronti your!

A few days ago I saw the photographs of the harvest Splendor made for turning fields into her beautiful Austria. Being both passionate about herbs every opportunity we can to talk and to eat them ...! 😉 Con la bella stagione poi, walk through the woods is good and useful. Besides do well to physical, walking is good for the heart, the mind, and the wallet ...!

Cynthia: Splendor, hello! I saw that you went to passeggiar for fields Lobau, but where there is?

Splendor: Ah ah ah, hello Cinzia! The area of ​​Lobau is a Nature Park linked to the Danube, beautiful area with unspoilt nature.

Cynthia: How beautiful! And tell me, what you have collected?

Splendor: Aow I'm telling you. Today I picked up a little’ campion and a little’ Hop. In Italy the Silene is also known by yourmine of stridoli, Sgrigiui or in our dialect of Mantua. (For those who do not know me and we both Fausto land of Mantua). The Hops instead is known by many with the term bruscandolo.

Cynthia: I is watering just looking at them! With Maand prepari?

Splendor: In addition to eating them as such as it does with spinach, both the silene that hops are great ingredients for risotto and frittatas.

Cynthia: Splendor, can you give me some advice on where to go to pick them up…

Splendor: Cynthia, I would say that you can go to any place of the country clean and healthy. The Silene find it even in the mountains. The Hops it is present in all ripe to ditch in northern Italy. But be careful, when the silene goes to flower the leaves of the leg become leathery and are no longer good.

Cynthia: Interesting! Sai, Now that I think about it, I remember that not long ago my aunt Nadia has collected just bruscandoli of my Lorenzaga of Motta di Livenza in Treviso. Knowing how much I like the herbs of the field, that night has seen fit to cook a delicious omelet making!

Add lastly, but not least, that both the Silene that Hops are herbs from calming and relaxing properties. A tea made from these herbs promotes sleep, e tranquility. 😉

"The soup Porcini Gualtiero"

Dear Walter ... and mind you, Gualtiero not known to most.

Below the story of a man of ninety-one thousand years by the passions ... a man of good times that were, a man who one evening in Treviso has upset emotions I.

Gualtiero Basso father of dear friend Alessandra, He was born in Treviso on 2 July 1921. The son of a dental technician has continued his father's business, but not only…

During World War II who served in G.a.F., the Border Guard, He has served as a telegraphist in Belluno and later bacteriologist in the military hospital of Padua and Milan.  indelible memories of war that have hardened the soul. About how he lived them, never will forget them ...

I met a meticulous man, almost maniacal when writing down every vicissitude of his life. A life dominated by passion and desire to do. A collector stamps, of pocket watches, of wine, a movie buff enough to shoot himself in the '60s, when the time was director of the Cine Club of Treviso, short films.  

After, Giancarlo accompany his son to the practice of Judo, She led him to become the President that has allowed a small sports reality non-military, to win the 2′ place in the "Grand Prix Society" in 1972. I quote his own words: “An incredible achievement wanted and won against all. There were also sad moments like the death of some young athletes, or the moment when I decided to leave to others the guidance, because the years increased…”                        

During the afternoon when I met him I followed carefully listening to the stories of his life. He led proudly showing me his many collections. La più sbalorditiva è stata quella del modellismo ferroviario, non potete immaginare! Sono rimasta senza parole… e questo già la dice lunga! 😉 Trenini e vagoni di tutti i modelli e di tutte le epoche, riprodotti minuziosamente! Un’intera stanza dedicata con plastico annesso, e una rete ferroviaria in scala nel giardino. Fantastico!


Gualtiero Basso

But it does not end here, perché una volta a tavola i discorsi si sono spostati sui piaceri legati al gusto, fino a far saltar fuori un fungo, o meglio… tre porcini! La passione di Gualtiero per i funghi è nata negli anni ’70 dopo aver conosciuto lo scrittore e micologo Fernado Raris.

Gualtiero mi ha spiegato che il termine porcino si riferisce a più specie e più precisamente al boletus edulis, al boletus aereus, al boletus reticulatus e al boletus pinicola. His favorite varieties for quality and taste, that they are dell'aereus and pinicola. That said, ready way with its porcini soup!

The soup Porcini Gualtiero

For 4 people

  • 300 Article. of stuffing varieties boletus aereus or pinicola
  • ½ onion
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 80 Article. of butter
  • parsley, Salt and Pepper To Taste.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices 2/3 mm. Then place them in a pan in which it is made fry the onion in melted butter.

Cook slowly for half an hour mushrooms combining to need good stock.

In the meantime, go to the slices of bread baked on which, once golden, Spread a thin layer of butter.

Place them in so deep plates, and sprinkle with the mushrooms.

At the end of the evening Gualtiero wanted me to give her a short film shot in 1960. I am also passionate about cinema. When I told him that the film that I love the most is “Cinema Paradiso”, he promptly replied: “Mine is Dances with Wolves!”

"Everything stems from man, everything returns to man…  from the movie Dances with Wolves "




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