Interviews & Characters

It 'time budgets. Object: Business Plan? Subject: Cynthia shearers

Written by CinziaTosini

A few days ago I did a little 'order in my archives.

Who takes care of 'communication', to be a blogger, a publicist or a journalist, lives between data, notes, Books, studies, schedari, contact ... for me it is so. I take very seriously what I do. There is a lot of work behind, travel, search, costs, knowledge, disappointments, emotions ...

Well, I have had in hand an analysis that, unbeknownst to me, almost without realizing it, I was made about a year ago. After, then, I was handed a script with three sheets. One, have been analyzed, I did not ask, and I do not know well because. I was subjected to this investigation as to understand if I were a person to invest, or perhaps better, use.

I spiego. A woman, ago, I approached demonstrating friendship and interest in what I was doing. I have no secrets ... I live in the sunshine, then, view his kindness, I had no problems to open them the doors of the house. In fact I was under analysis. As a result, to my surprise I was handed after time with a script called 'reserved'. I will not name, but what is written about me, if it is reserved or not, I decide io.

In magazines, My strengths are revealed (I transcribe verbatim):

  • "Ability to report very strong. Can you get a feeling for the people and to get you to open the door to enter. It 'an extraordinary strength. "The answer is simple, are sincere and especially myself. It is not always easy to open. But I know that my experience can serve other, and then, why not. People, now more than ever, need honesty, simplicity and especially to trust in someone.
  • "Culture and Manners. Transmit both so strong, and this is an excellent paper. "But again, there is sudden communicators, in no way. To do that you need to experience the area by listening to the characters that live the reality and the productions. Then we complete the research and study.
  • "Passion determined, and not just because you tell yourself that you are passion-driven, but because we perceive really. "Nothing to add.
  • "Expertise and skills for effective communication on the web (Search SEM and SEO: if you rely on yourself, you are able to find immediately, with the various search engines, the place and the people you follow)."I love the digital communications for the possibilities it offers for the promotion of the territory, and visibility that, through it, I can give to those I consider it appropriate to learn. I do not deny that I also met the wrong people for whom I trusted, is part of life ... the weather is great and the detector shall cause to overcome the bitterness.
  • "Write good, with your own personal style, simple and pleasant. "I started writing by accident ... it is now a necessity. I write first and foremost for me, learning and continuing to do so.
  • "Photography. Sei brava, photos are nice, whether it be people or objects. Can you grasp the essence. "Older I get the more I like. Photographer everything, almost in fear of losing what I see. I agree to communicate beauty.

All the nice things you say. The only note dolente, written at the end of the three pages that I have been handed a surprise in an envelope, can be summed up with an interpretation of my work with "lack of focus, or better, with lack of clarity of purpose ".

Perhaps, after almost four years that I carry out this activity, it is time to take stock and reflections. He was right this person? I do not know what to tell you. I know for a fact that I know very well what is my goal: communicate the territory and especially the people who are its protagonists. My dream for the future: be part of the active.

My blog is a container of what I have experienced and learned in recent years. I do not know Other, or better, perhaps the sore, not for me, that much about 'snubbing the rules of this society' (only when it is the right), has a long and difficult path.

I live what I do customizing it with who I am and with what I believe. I write what I live if I pass something, or I think it needs to be done to pass a message. What is certain is that I'll never do it 'dictation'.



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I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.

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