Did you know that pumpkin ...

Written by CinziaTosini

I told you never valances that are also sources of…? Li pumpkin is a real tradition. I often recall with nostalgia for my grandmother when I was preparing Gisella pumpkin tortelli with amaretti biscuits and spicy mustard, unforgettable flavors and unique ... you, so so good, I have not tasted more!

Zucch and melon à her that season!

(Pumpkin and melon should be eaten in its season)

Proverb Milan

The pumpkin is a vegetable originated in Central America is rich in vitamin A, minerals, fiber and low in calories.

Its pulp is chopped useful as soothing to the skin inflammation, while its extract is indicated for gastric disorders.

In the kitchen is housed in multiple uses: from first courses to the contours, until you get to the sweet.

In addition to recommending the consumption of pumpkin for high digestibility, we recommend the use of its seeds to the good supply of iron, magnesium and zinc… a great energy snack to munch on! 🙂

About, when you hear terms like: ‘che blockhead who are!’ oppure ‘hai la testa leak!’ or even 'mects some’ di sale in zucca!’ it is only because the word pumpkin comes from the Latin 'cocutia’ which means head. 😉



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