
Return means remembering. Aquileia, Palmanova… il Presnitz!

Written by CinziaTosini

Native call ...

Exactly so, the lure of our origins is a feeling that occasionally feel a bit 'all. Return means remembering, and discover unique places of our beautiful Italy. A historical and artistic wealth that we often underestimate.

I refer, in this case, Two Friuli city that has long wanted to visit: Aquileia and Palmanova.

If Aquileia captivates with its precious and ancient mosaics present the entire floor of its Basilica, Palmanova strikes the perfect star shape. The first archaeological site of the most important of the north of Italy, the second fortified city. Recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage sites, They are located a short distance from each other. A must for those who like me feel the call of their origins, but especially, for history buffs and typicality of the territory. One, because after trying my beautiful route, I recommend the sweet taste of a traditional Friulian: il Presnitz.


Did you happen to stay out of breath before a work of art? To me the last time it happened at the Basilica of Aquileia. The floor of his views, the largest early Christian mosaics in the western world, He has captivated my eye (photo in the header). I would be 760 square meters dating back to the fourth century unearthed by archaeologists between 1909 and the 1912. A human being's magnificence that can be seen walking on long elevated glass walkways.


They have come to Palmanova (Palma in Friulian) in a rainy day. Despite this, the air that I breathed immediately was full of historical references and suggestions. A city-fortress-shaped geometrically perfect star. Nine bastions, seven kilometers thick walls and six linear roads, radiating from the central square hexagon: Piazza Grande. A military architecture founded in 1593 Venetians to defend the borders of the Serenissima from the Turks. Only in 1866, after the Habsburg rule, it became part of the Kingdom of Italy. Walking through its streets, It was not difficult to perceive the calls of an important past, in that 1960, He led the president to proclaim “National Monument”.

Il Presnitz

And once again… country go find tradition. Just to say that once completed my itinerary, I was given a taste break in a typical pastry of the area. That's how I discovered a sweet Friulian – in particular Trieste – that prepares all year: il Presnitz. A roll of puff pastry snail-shaped with inside nuts, hazelnuts, Pine nuts, raisin, rum, honey and various spices. In realtà, I had the impression that the pastry chef who told me his story did not reveal to me all the ingredients… And to, every shop has its malice!



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