Being able to see ... more than one sense a dowry. Dripping Taste 2013 – Treviso

Written by CinziaTosini

In recent days, a Treviso, ho partecipato ad un workshop led by photographer Mario Fortress, a course organized by the Group Restaurateur of the Treviso, inserted into the photo contest "The Face, il Gesto, il Gusto”. Its purpose, that to deepen their knowledge of messages that your body language, through pictures, provides us with the time.

Have you ever seen the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan? Well, this is much more of a wall painting, is an epitome of unread messages through symbols, expressions, and signals, that the author has deliberately restricted the watchful eyes and prepared. If you will observe, do it with the attention it deserves, I assure you that what you will derive will be unforgettable ...

I made this assumption because, when you look at this my photo report, you will see what they have caught my eye, that fleeting moment I stood still in an image. The important thing is that 'you see really', without stopping just to look. More shots that are reminders of the heart, transmitted through pictures to relive and recall memories. In sharing my own way, sending messages and emotions ... for those who can see, and for those who can catch them ...

The meeting is knowledge and emotion ...

It 's so, I am increasingly convinced. The meeting is emotion, is discovered, is listening, enrichment of life is ... Around a table, together with the group of people who have participated in this initiative, is started, so our knowledge.



The wine is history, territory is, is passion… Wine brings people together.

We had to start with a toast. We toast to meetings, friendships, victories ... I toast 'health'!

La Tordera - Costa del Mau Valdobbiadene

The wine is history, territory and passion. The wine brings people together.

The interpretations of the images ...

Mario has seen fit to begin to know each other with a small test. Each of us chose, among many photographs scattered on the table, two that we liked and no one. Personal interpretation of an image can tell a lot about a person ...

Reading images

Reading images

With the scents you travel in time ...

The smell of food makes us travel through time and memories, but not only takes us back ... with my mind in a territory. These days I met Vuance, or better, dolce Viktoriya Litvinchuk.

The scents of food

The scents of food

Treviso… youth, l’agricoltura, e the earth.

Sono linked to this city for my roots, for the childhood memories, and the land.

Here is a young farmer that system to the art of radicchio… What a beautiful image! I love agriculture, farms, animals… not for nothing are a farm-blogger! 😉 Questo è il mio sogno di vita… convinced increasingly, che il futuro lo abbiamo sotto i piedi.

I giovani e l'agricoltura

The youth and agriculture

The courage to change my life ...

Here Andrea Fighera, a young man who decided to make a change in their lives. He left his old job to devote himself to the production of cheese in 'Farm family "Vaka Mora", a Sala d’Istrana.

Andrea Fighera dell'Azienda Agricola Vaka Mora. The courage to change.

Azienda Agricola Andrea fighera Vaka Mora. The courage to change.

The craft…

Andrea fighera intent on breaking the curd while I, fase per fase, firm and share the images. Too bad that you can not even transfer the fragrance…

The breaking of the curd

The breaking of the curd

The tenderness of the animals ...

It’ so… animals and their eyes they send me peace, tenderness, and well-being…



Chef in the spotlight ...

Cooks or superstar? Much debated topic now… No doubt this is their moment, but we are sure that you are not overdoing? More and more I look at this picture ... I think the creativity alive in the intimacy.

Chef Mirco Migotto

Chef Mirco Migotto

Cucinare è un’arte…

It’ a lifestyle choice that requires effort, knowledge and creativity…  un’arte che richiede passione.

Cucinare è un'arte

Cucinare è un’arte

The artisans of taste

The artisans make Italy great taste in the world. The continuity of experience, from generation to generation, means that the traditions handed down in the history are not lost. The Pastry historical Ardizzoni it is a worthy example.

The Artigianato. Pastry Ardizzoni

About, this is my last thought for you Mario. I had to write two lines for each photo, lo so, mi scuserai, are not always successful… I think you understand, have a romantic rebel who acts on instinct and belief… it's too late to change me.

I ragazzi di @trevisocomicbookfestival

With the boys oftrevisocomicbookfestival



With Michela Pierallini

With Michela Pierallini




What does the Author


I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.


  • Cynthia,
    Bellissimo il tuo reportage. Le foto parlerebbero da sole ma il tuo testo è fantastico e molto umano. Mi ha fatto piacere conoscerti in questa bella occasione. Spero di rivederti più volte. Un bacio

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