
Vine Wine ...: La storia di Ziu Antoneddu Argiolas, class 1906

Written by CinziaTosini

Italy was made by great men and women, furrows of the earth, indelible presence in the story ... I think of my grandfather, my father and many other men tenacious ..., certain, proud, hard workers! Every time I happen to hear their stories is very exciting for me. So also relive the lives, is of great teaching ...

Today I want to tell the story of a man, the story of Ziu Antoneddu, known as the most  Antonio Argiolas. A man of earth and wine, a man who has realized a dream now known around the world ...


Antonio Argiolas

Recently, thanks to a short holiday in Sardinia, I got to meet Valentina Argiolas. Valentina attended the thirtieth edition of National Congress Onav, held in June in Nuoro. The theme: “The wine and women". By now the presence of women in this sector is decisive both among the passionate ones, both among women actively in the holdings thanks to strong organizational skills. During the conference there was also talk of the protagonist of viticulture in Sardinia: “Cannonau, the most widely grown grape in the world. In francese Grenache, in spagnolo GranaciaWhatever ...,  in Sardinia viticulture is one of the oldest ".

While a degustavamo Turriga of 2007, red by the appreciable structure of the genre that appeals to me, Valentina prompted by my curiosity, I told the story of the company founded by his great-grandfather Francis,  but pushed to the levels it has now reached,  from grandfather Antonio. A family business; children and grandchildren are involved in various roles with passion to follow up and continuity of this reality created by the tenacity of a man, or better, of a legend. Lui è Ziu Antoneddu…

He was born on 26 December 1906, saw the wars ... His father was a widower soon. With the three sisters was entrusted to the maternal grandmother. Since childhood he distinguished himself at school; mathematics was his passion, the job was his mission. He endeavored in a thousand companies experiencing commute between Cagliari and Genoa. He did everything ... He started with two hectares of vineyards. He was determined to purchase an additional plot of it each year. They became four, and then you, and then ten, and then to the current three hundred percent .... Thirty years after he met his wife Bonaria, in love and married her.

Good-humored him and helped him in all completed, not c'era time, There was only one job ... Anthony was an avid traveler, lei no. They took their honeymoon in Naples. He continued to travel, Good-natured rather wait at home. Andò in California, the Rio de Janeiro, and Svizzera, in Germania, in Portogallo, in Spagna, in Russia, in Ukraine… Antonio wanted to see the world. They had three children who later gave him seven grandchildren. The largest Valentina. All involved actively in the company. Antonio was proud, was a hundred years now. Era stanco ma felice…

Valentina in telling his memories often repeated to me:  “Cynthia, lui era un uomo d’altri tempi, a man of style and grace, a gentle man". Antonio or better Ziu Antoneddu, he saw the realization of his work, has grown children and grandchildren, saw them in the study and prepare for life so that now changed with the times, could give continuity to the work initiated by him.  Many satisfactions,  many awards ... many more projects.  Antonio Argiolas left us the 20 June 2009 all’età di 102 age. Lui è, and it will always be a legend ... and legends never die ...

The secret of living one hundred years, is the desire to live and to do ... I had always wanted to do

Antonio Argiolas, Ziu Antoneddu




What does the Author


I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.

1 comment

  • Comments to the publication reported on Facebook

    Antonella Rossi:
    What a beautiful story it resembles those of so many people who sacrificed their lives to work in the fields…

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Antonella already… and now look at this generation that made it… how sad…

    Antonella Rossi:
    Unfortunately, it is also our fault that we do not approach young people to work on the land, now our children look more to appearing than to being…

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Antonella, I believe it still can… “the important thing is to march all together in the same direction”. The problem of the Italians, it's the wrong mentality… everyone wants to move forward on their own. Nobody goes on like this!!!!

    Antonella Rossi:
    I know we are a people of the do I alone do not understand that unity is strength in all fields of work instead there is a hallucinating individualism…

    Thomas Ponzanelli:
    I honestly don't know if canonau is the most cultivated grape variety in the world. It is also found in Corsica and is called sciaccarellù, particularly cultivated in the Aiacciù area. Honestly the only one I enjoy tasting, don't ask me the reasons, it is the canonaù of Sardinia.

    Claudia Cordara:
    I agree with you Cynthia, Unity is strength, this is my motto. Unfortunately,, I often have to deal with very individualistic people. But I don't give up;-)))

    Hadrian Liloni:
    Cannonau has the same strain in Spain but from here we can talk about a different variety’ cultivated in the world….

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Thomas, the ONAV delegate from Cagliari, Enzo Biondo spoke about it at the last ONAV congress in Sardinia. Valentina Argiolas was also present. Enzo Biondo, he is an academic of the vine. Mito mediterraneo è il suo ultimo libro. Per farti capire le mie fonti🙂

    Hadrian Liloni:
    Valentina Argiolas conosciuta al Vinitaly… with her friend Valentina Congiu

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Claudia is a virus unfortunately. There are those who try to unite, with much effort and much effort, cheap and not. Many recline, indeed they sit down as long as it suits them… then they continue on their own. This is not really good…

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Adriano, as I told Thomas I have my sources. Enzo Biondo “Cannonau. Mediterranean myth” His latest book. Onav Delegate of Cagliari. Cannonau, 260 thousand hectares in the world.

    Hadrian Liloni:
    The initial strain is not’ Sardinian, but’ maybe I'm misinformed.

    Giancarlo Vischi:
    Beautiful story. Like all those you give us as a gift… I like the definition of the niece: Man of other times, of style and grace, kind man. I wish men like Mr. Argiolas, were the reference points for the current generations. Honest work, passion, commitment, curiosity’ and desire to improve. The gain is important but certain values ​​are essential. Hello Cynthia

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Thanks Giancarlo, I share with you. I soldi vanno e vengono, l’onore e il rispetto se guadagnati, non si perdono più!

    Michelangelo Sharp:
    L’italia è stata fatta da grandi uominiappunto è stataoggi ce ne sono sempre meno di uomini così! Thanks Cinzia, hello!

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Ciao Michelangelo, tristemente vero… but, io li continuo a cercare… men and women… grazie 🙂

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