
The Wine of Peace

Written by CinziaTosini

As Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Peace begins with a smile, ed io always smiled ...

A few days ago my smile turned to Luigi Soini, Director of Winery Cormons. But you will say ... what we're talking? We speak of the "Wine of Peace", yes! For more, alas still unknown!
He was born as a symbol of unity and brotherhood among peoples and has been refined over time. I confess myself, that I learned recently, but I wanted to quickly remedy.

You should know that this cellar aggregates two hundred and eight hundred winegrowers vine varieties from every continent who live together in a single vineyard in Cormons.

But we think that there is magnificence in those lands ... Well, I had the honor to visit him all this accompanied by, Master Cooper promoter of a happy marriage between wine and art. But I want to tell you better, why are initiatives that deserve the attention and the right visibility.

I stared at a meeting, and as I say ... the fact that, the day of the appointment came. I was greeted by Luigi Soini project manager.

South Tyrolean by birth but now Friulian adoption. Nell'accompagnarmi in the visit, I explained my usual questions prompted by motives that had driven in this direction: “Joining forces to form a cooperative”. He explained that the Winery Cormons, was born in 1968 giving rise to the so-called "Vineyard of the World".

The collaboration of members, has permesso in 1985 you can see the materialized before harvest. We actively participated in five people, including seventy boys in the United World College in Duino in Trieste, representing 60 nations. And the result of all this, was a wine unique and lovable, Wine of Peace symbol of brotherhood, given as a gift on time every year to every head of state civil and religious as a message of peace among peoples.

In my tour I was taken to the Cantine, what I would call a real art gallery. Yes because you know that the heads of the large oak casks are hand painted by international artists. Not to mention the precious labels dedicated to bottles ... there is a real collection of famous artists who work each year for their execution.

By Enrico Baj, which paved the way in 1985 Fernando Botero it 2007, and many many more… The Book of Peace wine it is faithful witness and I have it here with me. Leafing through it and read it is a real pleasure, because the labels, beyond the painters, have left a tangible sign of the verses of poets.

Yoko Ono scrisse: "A dream alone is only a dream ... a dream together, is a reality ".

Our walk continued in the Cellar, and Luigi told me the honor to receive a visit personality as Lech Walesa, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Prince Charles of England, Francesco Cossiga, Enzo Bevilacqua, and many others. But the most exciting moment was when he was awarded the Wine of Peace to Pope John Paul II at the archbishop's palace in Gorizia. From that moment he was granted permission to the Winery to produce the "Vinum Sancta Missa pro" for the Pope. At the end of my visit, concluded our meeting with a toast ... a toast to peace, to the people of passion and happy to continue the project.
On my return I wanted to give some bottles of wine of Peace to friends who think they need it ... why you think soffermino, because peace must be sought first within us.

"The wine and viticulture are style ... and not fashion"
Luigi Soini




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