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Nadia Moscardi, restaurateur Abruzzo: "After the earthquake does not scare me anything…”

Written by CinziaTosini

In tested legumes laid on cream peel potatoes with crispy vegetables, beetroot, purple cabbage, Verza, spinach and truffle shavings.

Learn to overcome the difficulties tempering the character and allows to separate the superfluous from the essential. An earthquake like that of L'Aquila, which to many has razed all certainty built in, changes the perspective of things. So it was for Nadia Moscardi, cook 'Elodia, the family restaurant in Camardia fraction of L'Aquila, razed shocks and then rebuilt. “Cynthia, we are a united family, This is the force that has allowed us to move forward."I fully her his thought. The family is the true cornerstone from which to draw energy. It is not necessarily a question parental, for me it is mostly a matter of truth and genuine affection, you can rely on in difficult times.

Elodia, the name of his mother. Forty years of activity that continues today with a path related to a family tradition Nadia Moscardigastronomic, carried out in the name of Nature. I met Nadia and her cooking, made of roots and herbs, eleventh edition of Delight the Palate 2015. Ended his presentation, I got to know her through the exchange of life and experience, as is my habit to do, to better understand the people and consequently their work.

You have the floor ...

  • Nadia, in your speech to Identity Gourmet've mentioned several wild plants that collect personally fields. I refer to the corn poppy, the plantain, celery water, Seed hogweed or even seed lunaria. From passionate about herbs and roots have to admit that some do not know. Why not build on this to know your teaching people to recognize these plants, and especially to use them?

This is a great idea! It would be very nice to organize a day on the Gran Sasso with a nice walk in the woods and fields to gather herbs, roots and flowers, and then return to my restaurant to cook them.

  • I am convinced that the secret to staying healthy is by nature. If I tell you that 'you care eating' What answer me?

I strongly believe in this statement of yours. Our health depends a lot on what we eat. We unfortunately taken from a life too hectic to cure the most of our power. The herbs are good for our health, especially eaten raw. These days are drawing in other recipes with these miraculous plant.

  • After some research, as I told you in person, I began to appreciate more and more seeds, oils and flours obtained from hemp, a plant that helps to heal the polluted land, the many uses and many therapeutic virtues. I'm sure I've piqued your interest. I prepare a dish with its derivatives when I come to visit you?

You definitely piqued my interest, in fact I'm documenting much about hemp and see what happens ...

  • Stingray, old white root typical aquilana that grow in your vegetable garden. Give me some advice to cook?

Cynthia, you can create a creamy parsnip making a smoothie of the root and boiled potatoes, seasoned simply with salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil. Or you can do the cips parsnip making of thin sheets of root fries.

  • About your 'amatriciana white' ... explain to me what it is?

The amatriciana white is a traditional dish of Aquila; have spaghetti or macaroni on guitar made with a sauce of bacon and pecorino, with the addition of pepper or chilli. It's a recipe originally from the town of Amatrice that today is in the Lazio, but that up to 1927 was in the province of L'Aquila. A simple preparation in which are essential ingredients of the highest quality: the cheese and the bacon of the mountains of Abruzzo.

Browned in an iron pan the bacon, cut into strips, with a pinch of pepper or chili; you add the pasta and then pecorino cheese Abruzzo. My advice, to have a more creamy, is to combine the cheese and a little cooking water in the pan before adding the pasta.

Amatriciana bianca

Amatriciana White Nadia Moscardi



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