
Arben, from Albania to Italy to fulfill a dream ...

Written by CinziaTosini

Some time ago, in the event "Open Cellars" I had the pleasure of running into a beautiful story of life that today I want to tell.

.I chose a winery nearby, La Brugherata a Scanzorosciate (BG). Upon my arrival I was struck by the beauty of the place, but I was particularly attracted by the stories of our guide, Arben, the soul of the vine. It was just a few days ago, that reminded me of him, I decided to meet again. You should know that I have little memory, and are not physiognomist, but if someone or something hits me, for sure I do not forget, and so it was. In fact, as soon as I saw it I immediately remembered his face, and did not fail to tell him.

We decided to go in the cellars here and we started with our chat. At first I told him what I had led until then, and that is the gravitational force that attracts me to the beautiful stories of life.  And her it was all right .... He began to tell me how he had come to Italy from Albania twenty years before. In his country lacked the work, and Italy represented hope for a job. The son of an agronomist, but no knowledge of the industry, had found a location on a mechanical. And it was repairing agricultural machinery, which had its first contact with the vineyard. By visiting them often for deliveries, slowly met people who were part of. And one fateful day came the first proposal for collaboration.

Without realizing slowly piroettato found inside the dream that is now the pride of his life. The proposal was in fact a collaboration in the activity of 'farm. Arben enthusiastically accepted his new adventure began .... He received the courses that made him learn the basics on the production cycle and the forms of farming life ... Oh yes, it says its breeding. I was surprised a bit 'too the first time I heard him on a course that I attended.

From the basement, we moved outside ... Walking between the rows Arben spoke to me of the owner of the vineyard with words of appreciation and respect.  The owner told me,  a lawyer born in Bergamo with genuine passion for the wine world, had recreated here a corner of Tuscany, land sua origine.  But not only, had created a garden in a vineyard enriching Mediterranean species, Well fifteen thousand rose bushes, that in the flowering period made it a piece of paradise.

You could see it in his eyes a true admiration towards that 'man who reposed complete confidence in him, that was of its quality excellence products but never to compromise. And I admired myself in listening from the personality that stemmed. I proudly described the stages in the production of the wine that he personally followed almost maniacally. The vine demanded constant care and constant attention, that he wanted to pay in person. The difficulties in the acquisition of staff to his aid, stemmed from the lack of a stable business hours. What often poorly tolerated by the people who come to this reality.  I am convinced that if there is no passion,  this is not the right job!

Today he is responsible for 7 hectares of vineyards. The result is an excellent production of excellent red and white wines of great character and a brut. But the highlight is the Scanzo Muscat DOCG, wine produced exclusively in the municipality of Scanzorosciate.  The holder is credited with the establishment of the Consortium of Scanzo Muscat besides the attribution of DOCG.





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