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Filippo Flocco, Teramo designer couture. Ora see it presented, rather, sent him to the kitchen to prepare the risotto with mallow.

Written by CinziaTosini

Filippo Flocco, a stylist teramano high fashion that started its activities in the historic Italian atelier at the age of sixteen. Eight years in collaboration with a French company led him often in the Latin Quarter of Paris. When they, lives in a small apartment, but has a very special dirimpettaia: Monica Bellucci.

It is not the first time that I have to deal with the stylists. When I get the chance I like to talk about style, what each should follow simply because it feels like her, and not as current fashion. I refer to some accessories that sometimes I like to use, but I do label as bizarre and eccentric person. Not that I decompose somewhat, now that is the norm to make me worry.

With Filippo we met recently through mutual friends, first with an exchange of words on the web, and then, chatting long, albeit divided by a monitor. We share some passions like the mountain, love for animals, good food, the historical recipes and herbs.

Ora see it presented, rather, I send him in the kitchen. 😉

  • Filippo, for business needs live between Teramo and Paris. I naturally ask: "Italian & French cuisine"?

Italian, absolutely, although there is a plate of French cuisine that I particularly like and who occasionally suggest to friends that I host: onion soup. For the rest I find preparations of French cuisine absolutely sought, with some of impiattamenti elaborate and aesthetically refined, but very far from my way to the kitchen approcciarmi.

  • Even if you're often abroad from your words I understood clearly that your roots are firmly in Teramo. What do you miss most of your city when you're away?

I miss the family. Even if you are a person with few family ties, when they are in Abruzzo, in particular in Teramo, it's like being really “home”. I know many people, the year, I have some very dear. Then there are my walks in the surrounding area… We have a wonderful sea and mountains fantastic a few kilometers. In no time you can be where you want, because we are centrally located and well connected.

  • You told me that collect and use herbs in your preparations. What in particular to your favorite?

Cynthia, I quote you some. Li 'cascigni or grespino' example, is a plant SPONTanea with diuretic properties already known in the time of Pliny the Elder. It is used for preparation of Abruzzo made from beans. During walks with my dogs, the hills, I collect the 'cabbage rapiciolla', an annual plant with a woody stem that is a little’ everywhere.

  • In our conversation you mentioned the risotto with mallow. How you prepare?

I'll give you the recipe. Use about 500 grams of rice unrefined, about 120 grams of whole butter that I take in a farmers' market lead down to a place where I went as a child with my mom, a couple of liters of vegetable broth, 100 grams of ricotta sheep soft, and freshly grated pecorino Atri. Finally, a handful of mauve flowers that collect personally
In a saucepan soon the rice in the whole butter, I like those crock. Then, to the hot broth. After 5 minutes of cooking join the mallow leaves choices between the younger and healthier. Shortly before the rice is cooked, join the ricotta, Atri fresh pecorino, and let thicken. After doing that for a few minutes the servant decorating it with flowers mallow.

  • Ami history like me. Telling me about the old recipes ...

Since a couple of years I did some research on the history of costume, from the Middle Ages to the Baroque Italian. Among the various books that I found, visiting dusty city libraries, I hit a “booklet” penned with gastronomic preparations handwritten. A strange mixture of Spanish and French flavors, I think it was a recipe that brought in “dowry” a girl who was about to marry a gentleman of the place. It was full of notes and ideas, maybe if replicated, could become a real news. Because in the end, even the kitchen as high fashion, that is my real field of expertise, is nothing more than a form of creation. The return of a pre-existing reality, renewed through the eyes and the love of the designer or the cook, in this case…




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