
Memories of summer in white, blu, green and ... "Rosso Conero"!

Written by CinziaTosini

There are emotions so intense that remind you it's like reliving. And that is why I like to stop the happy moments of my life writing them. Ricordi estate, sea, diVini memories of friends ...! And now I carry with me in the Conero in August ... 2011.

The ConeroI love ... this stretch of the Adriatic with its small villages, the large cliffs overhanging the sea, the beautiful trails of Mount Conero ... a true paradise. I colori predominanti qui sono il bianco delle rocce, the blue of the sea, il verde lussureggiante della natura… e il rosso! Il rosso direte… the red of that?  Ma il  “Rosso Conero”,  lo splendido vino caratteristico di questa zona! Devo confessare che amo molto questo colore perché il rosso, is the color of passion ... the engine of life! Good, having said that ... ready via!

Dovete sapere che in quella vacanza Guido e Annalisa i miei amici anconetani, knowing lent themselves to accompany me to the cellars and wineries ... !  

But I want to tell you better ...

Fixed the usual events in the short program was made. He expected a busy day up and down the hills of Ancona. I spent the evening to browse the sites of farms intensively relishing the expectation of the emotions that I experienced. Ma forza che diamo inizio al racconto del mio tour… di-vino!

  We started by Cantina di Alessandro Moroder

And here I dwell for a moment on the memories of the memory of this surname. Eh sì, because Alexander is the cousin of Giorgio Moroder who in 1983 He created the soundtrack for the Scarface film by Brian De Palma. Wow!!

Famiglia di grandi persone originarie della Valgardena,  Alessandro and his wife Serenella moved from Rome in 1984 that appeared to Ancona liability family company acquired by the ancestors at the end of '700.

Di questa epoca sono felice testimonianza le grotte presenti sotto la cantina, che ho potuto ammirare accompagnata da Alessandro squisita guida. L’introduzione negli anni ’80 di nuovi metodi nella coltivazione della vite,  l’ammodernamento della cantina e il coinvolgimento dei figli Marco e Mattia hanno portato alla produzione di ottimi vini, as the Doric Conero DOCG Riserva 2005, which I appreciated while we were chatting together…

Continuammo il nostro tour visitando laFattoria Le Terraces

E qui inizio col porvi una domanda: "Do you like Bob Dylan songs ?” Bè a me si, and also to Antonio Terni owner of Fattoria Le Terrazze Numana. He always great fans and passionate,  durante un concerto volle regalargli del vino di sua produzione. Bob appreciated it so much that he proposed to Antonio to produce it together. Thus was born in 2004 a wine called "Planet Waves" Planetary Wave,  the title of his 1974 album A wine of Montepulciano with strength for 75%,  e la morbidezza del Merlot per il 25%.

Cinzia Tosini with Antonio Terni

Antonio Terni

Argentine-born Antonio,  ma di origini italiane dopo essersi laureato in ingegneria nucleare ritornò nella sua terra d’origine investendo nella promozione del suo bel territorio.

Tasting a glass of Chaos, another of its wine production, He was spontaneously ask him if his studies had influenced the decisions in the company. He said making me see the labels of its wines ... true nuclear explosions. (photograph in header)

Fattoria Le Terraces

Fattoria Le Terraces                                                                   

An unforgettable day, ricca di racconti di vita… Ad un tratto un languore allo stomaco ci ricordò che era ora di pranzo. We stopped at a little place with breathtaking views, where my usual I made a little '"folklore" for my unusual requests on the plates to be ordered. What should I do so are, But it seems that in my company friends are not bored. A coffee, Limoncello of the good ones… and ready way to start!

It was the turn of ' Azienda Agricola Malacari

We came to Offagna, uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia e davanti ad un vecchio portone nell’attesa di Alessandro il titolare, here and curiosammo. In our eyes it appeared an old historic home. I love these atmospheres,  mi ci immergo con tutta me stessa, è quasi un dejà vu ogni volta…

You should know that this winery is one of the oldest in the Marche.

Built by Andrea Malacari in 1668, it is still operational yet. Under exactly the same in ancient times brickwork, produces excellent wines, including the Grigiano 100% Montepulciano.

Alessandro Malacari Starrabba in telling me his life choice, from journalist to winemaker,  mi condusse orgoglioso in visita alla sua bella cantina. His ancestors, Accounts Malacari Misturi of Grigiano, they had inherited this house protected for its historical and architectural value, dal Ministero per i Beni culturali. Se vi doveste fermare da quelle parti vi consiglio di approfittare di una visita alla villa oltreché alla cantina. Si perché i saloni, the old library with its splendid ancient books, nonché i vari cimeli, and swords which they are passionate completed my wonderful visit.

La giornata stava giungendo al termine, but not before visiting the last Winery in the program ... Montecappone

,We arrived in a short Jesi. At the entrance of their resale, Our meeting point, found a family atmosphere that enveloped us immediately. It was an atmosphere jovial between the cheerful voices of the grandson Alessandro Mirizzi, My very special guide that day and his cute parents.

With Alexander made a visit to the beautiful drive through the vineyards. In car power adapter.. but why?  Perché dovete sapere che from 1997 la famiglia Bomprezzi – Mirizzi conduce ben più di 60 hectares of vineyards. And walk with my heels would be tough!

Vineyards Montecappone

Vineyards Montecappone

In the lead Alessandro explained to us that the seal was designed in white grapes turned to Verdicchio and the Sauvignon Blanc, mentre per le uve rosse al Montepulciano ed al Sangiovese. After the visit to the modern cellars, where the vintage wines are bottled after the summer while reserves are aged partly in barriques and partly in cement, we moved in salt to taste a wine from their particular name, “Utopia, Verdicchio di Jesi DOC Classico Riserva castles ". We said goodbye greetings from well, Trade in hand and a sincere smile.

An intense day, full of emotions, of knowledge and great tasting. To all of them I asked how would promote the territory. The answer was: “yes, We Conero”!  Yes, because "yes, We Conero "is the association 13 small producers of Rosso Conero which are characterized by typical products wines.  But not only,  insieme hanno prodotto 2000 bottles solidarity whose proceeds were intended Pediatric Hospital G.Salesi.

Come dice Yoko Ono: "A dream alone is only a dream, a dream together, is a reality. "



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I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.

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