Interviews & Characters

“A chat with ... Roberto Giuliani”

Written by CinziaTosini

Roberto Giuliani, Editorial Director of Lavinium, wine magazine and online culture in which 2007 ha ricevuto il Premio Veronelli come “Miglior sito di enogastronomia” con la seguente motivazione: “Why in the sea of ​​carelessness in which reels surfing the net, stands for the reliability of information and the deepening of the news while in the large joint of his interests”.

 It, loves writing, photography, and of course ... wine!

I know him through his comments ... through his positions with respect to which I say, considering his experience. I call it a passionate connoisseur of the Earth.

Vivo d'purpose, my life is based on feelings. I happen to be wrong but mostly c'azzecco. The experience and the pain makes us acquire a sixth sense about people ... I feel Roberto in the sensitivity of a gentle man and nature lover. A man serious and ironic in equal measure. One, because as he said Soren Kierkegaard, Danish poet considered the father of existentialism, the irony is the eye sure know how to get it wrong, the assurdo, compartment of the existence ...

Having said that as I say, point and the hood. Roberto is your turn! It's up to you to respond, and then, pronti your!

  • Roberto, I briefly introduced according to my intuitions. Anything to add or reply?

Not, if anything, to be subtracted, you're all too generous.

  • You are the son of a musician, how did you come to in love with the world of wine?

In fact, the music is always my great love, I can not stand without, not surprisingly I enjoy playing the piano and drums.

The wine arrived as a professional interest in Mature, about 15 years ago. I always drank but not that much to deepen their knowledge. I used to buy from young wines of Lazio that belonged to the period when there was still producing quantitative, it was difficult to "fall in love" of wine at that time, at least for me. My first love, one of the wines that made me open my eyes to a world of infinite possibilities of expression, was a bottle of Nebbiolo d'Alba at the end of the 80s.

Then I made three trips around France, and there I had confirmation of what there was to know and appreciate.

I graduated from AIS sommelier in Rome and began to deepen our territory starting from Tuscany to get up to Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Friuli and gradually all the other Italian regions. Also starting to write for local magazines until, in 2000 I had the opportunity to collaborate in the newly revised Lavinium.

  • Web o meglio World wide web, I think one of the most powerful inventions in the world. The freedom to communicate, to have their own space in which to share their passions, in which to tell their own beliefs ... And’ so that now Journalists, blogger, more or less experienced web writer, have their say. Caos o… ?

As often happens, when you have available a free tool to use in almost absolute freedom, some chaos it creates, because we are now millions of people using, but it still represents a largely positive phenomenon, the important thing is to learn to use it wisely. The fact that everyone can have a space to express themselves, but also to deepen the knowledge without territorial boundaries, music, the history, all’arte, culture in general, is something fantastic. Unfortunately, not all make use of this, and this fact generates a certain chaos, moreover, there is no regulatory.

Another limit, at least today, lies in its gratuitousness always, which prevents professionals to get the right gain from their work on the web, except in rare cases.

  • "The consumer (very vague term and coarse), be educated to understand that what you eat and drink strongly influences your health,  le sue energie, le sue capacità in generale”. Parole tue Roberto, I fully agree that. But I believe that, if the current state albeit with the media present information, is still very apparent lack of culture of food and wine, there is a communication problem. What do you think?

The communication problem exists, certainly, but mostly it is the miscommunication to do damage, from misleading advertising directly and indirectly with which every day we hammered from childhood. Then there are the so-called "bad habits", those who grew up with Coca-Cola, le more your, packaged foods, not only has cultural problems but the "vices" that is not easy remove. I could see firsthand how many people have resistance to any argument that calls into question their habits. This does not mean that it is useless to try to make people understand that eating healthy is essential, inform you about the damage it can do to a certain type of health foods, but in my opinion it is not enough, also because, come ben saprai, there are those who "works against", downplaying the importance of avoiding too refined products like sugar, sale, flour etc.. and trying to prove that there is no difference between industrial and organic products. But the topic is complex and we can not develop it here.

  • I love listening to the stories of people, is my passion! I love to go to the root of everything. About this I am reminded of a comment regarding seeds. Cito testualmente: "It 's ESSENTIAL purchase them from those who cultivate them always, beware if you do not know the origin. Many nurseries actually buy them from the industries that produce them in the laboratory. Thanks to this we lost the tomatoes of Pachino, whose seeds are no longer the original ones but they come from Israel. That seed is a huge problem, also because many are hybridized, or are not reproducible, or are GMO. It is laughable to think if there is a biological control over seeds…” A questo punto mi chiedo, but how can people trust the definition of "organic" when he reads these things?

We live in a world ruled by God's money, This requires us to be wary and suspicious. There are no labels to ensure the quality and authenticity of a product, unfortunately, for the reasons just said, I therefore believe that organic is not an absolute guarantee. Also because, having occupied a market share of more and more interesting, bio was also dragged into the industry. You can imagine how unlikely it is to have a truly organic produce hundreds, sometimes thousands of acres. Here, is definitely a way to contact the small producer, magari a km zero, the farmer or at least to those merchants that cater to local small farms.

  • Other topic pressing, want to talk about sugar? You place the question recently under my notice. I would like to respond here?

As I mentioned before, sugar is a serious problem: impossible to quantify the use, just think that in a can of Coca-Cola is the equivalent of several bags of refined sugar, or in any confectionery product is used in considerable quantities. It is no coincidence that diabetes has become an increasingly common disease, which is even more striking at a very young age, ie at the stage where you take more refined sugars in absolute, beverages through, Snacks, candy and anything like the majority of children of this age of consumerism.

Some people even put three teaspoons of sugar cappuccino, although milk has already its own sweetness that offsets the bitterness of the coffee. "Bad habits", Use at least ... just full of sugar cane (not the raw, which undergoes virtually the same refining processes of the white produced from sugar beet), when we add it to the food, can reduce a little 'damage, in addition to providing more good doses of minerals and B vitamins. And then, if we had the healthy habit to always use the sense of smell, would notice such as refined sugar has a sweetish smell strongly but fake, while the integral is much less sweet and fragrant.

  • Se ti dico che… “perhaps we need to go back to go forward ",  cosa mi rispondi?

On this subject I can tell you now that I am a firm believer in the theory of the decline of Serge Latouche, we have reached a tipping point, rather, mostly we crossed. We are draining the planet uninhabitable and making the lives of animals, plants and men. Our company is based on the rise uninterrupted consumption and maximizing profits. It is no coincidence that, still, we hear from all the political currents that to revive the country must return to produce and increase consumption, this is madness. You have to aim for a new economy and a new society, I have other bases on which to base their own welfare, the real one, not that induced by false desires and needs with which the system requires us to live.

  • Friends, I'd end up with a toast!  Ormai un pochino mi conosci, I love the red wines of character and structure. What I offer?  E… a proposito, from which you are music lover, just put a background, but I recommend, tell me the title and artist ... I am curious I! 😉

I think I can add "extremely fine", I am sure that a person like you, who loves the pleasure of life and appreciate its nuances, also seek elegance in a wine. The mine proposta, strictly Italic, pushes me with his eyes closed toward the Valtellina Superiore Sassella Red Rocks Reserve Ar.Pe.Pe., a dazzling wine, 100% Nebbiolo (locally known chiavennasca) that comes from terraced vineyards and rugged at the base of the Rhaetian Alps, Subarea Sassella.

The background music? In this case rather than the background will be a companion of emotions: Waltz For Debby, one of the most beautiful compositions as a fine jazz pianist Bill Evans.




What does the Author


I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.

1 comment

  • Comments to the publication reported on Facebook

    Justin Catalano:
    L’ironia è l’occhio sicuro che sa cogliere lo storto, the assurdo, il vano dell’esistenza… sempre delicatissima. Complimenti Roberto Giuliani..Bill Evans come sottofondo di quel calice da urlo ci sta da Dio! 🙂

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Justin… queste sono emozioni vere per me!

    Justin Catalano:
    Si leggonosi leggono tutte. Un caro abbraccio. 🙂

    Lucia Galasso:
    Un uomo delicato: mi piace!

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Justin, a te è già toccato il turno…:-) un abbraccio!

    Justin Catalano:
    Lì hai dovuto mentire per esigenze editoriali però! 😀 😀 😀 Qui hai detto il vero! 😉

    Cynthia Tosini:
    I never lie… 🙂

    Richard Pilesi:
    I can only remain speechless with amazement at still finding people like this… read Roberto's answers to your questions, never banal, it was a remarkable pleasure…obviously for the little that my modest opinion can count I totally agree (I never remember if it's written like that…. :the) )

    Roberto Giuliani:
    Too good Riccardo

    Stefano Cergolj:
    Wowwww great Cinzia …. what a scoop!!!!! 🙂

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Stefano, scoops take their time, these are for me “memories of knowledge” to jealously guard in my travel diary… Every now and then I go in and reread them and tell myself: “But how beautiful this life is despite the problems, The crisis… there are people who fill the gaps through knowledge, that excite you…” And now I better stop…

    Cristina Fracchia:
    Now, Roberto, vorrei sapere di chi era quella bottiglia di Nebbiolo d’Alba… :-)))

    Stefano Cergolj:
    Sure Cinzia. Il bello è che ti appassioni e che ti arricchisci dalle conoscenze che fai. It’ il succo della vita, un modo umile per restare vitali in una sociatà dove molte volte opportunismi e ipocrisia la fanno da padronebrava tu e complimenti all’intervistato.

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Grazie Stefano e concordo, “complimenti all’intervistato🙂

    Roberto Giuliani:
    Piuttosto grazie Cinzia per aver dedicato il tuo tempo a questa inaspettata intervista, per fortuna non ho annoiato nessuno…(credo)

    Cynthia Tosini:
    Roberto, io vivo d’istinto e quindi era così che doveva essereera il tuo turno! 🙂 Piuttosto sai che è tutta la sera che sto ascoltando Bill Evans, Portrait in Jazz. Mio figlio Andrea mi ha detto che stasera a casa nostra c’è l’atmosfera di un piano bar… even if we ate rice and lentils while drinking Lino Maga's Barbacarlo, without hips! 😉

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