“The pasta is not fattening”, legend or truth?

Written by CinziaTosini


My questions to the experts ...

                             Says the Prof. Nicola Sorrentino

Good. You. Digestible. And so easy to prepare. The pasta, Star unchallenged the Mediterranean diet is popular all over the world.

Not only are the great chefs who compete with our most famous national dish… even ordinary people have discovered its culinary versatility. Always delicious with tomato and basil, or oil with garlic and chilli, or with the Ligurian pesto… the combinations are endless and condiments!

The vegetables,  healthy eating stronghold,  It enhances the flavor, digestibility and lightness.  Eggplant, peas, this, turnip greens, zucchini or broccoli. Here are just a few examples of vegetables that can make original and always different the usual pasta dish. Not to mention tasty and unusual pairings with fish sauce, or meat, or with vegetarian sauces for special and always healthy dishes.

  • But what gives us the dough from the nutritional point of view?

It’ low in fat, rich in carbohydrates, and is the main source of energy for our body. Eaten three hours before exercise increases the available glucose and improves performance.

“The pasta gets well and makes you fat!”

If we carry out an active lifestyle and moderate physical activity, the paste also increases our dynamism and it turns into fat deposits.

Also This precious food is also acting against our mood. It is no coincidence, after eating a tasty pasta dish we feel more serene:  about the triptofano, an amino acid that increases after the intake of simple or complex carbohydrates, and has the power to act on the mood centers stimulating the production of serotonin (neurotransmitter effective in depressive).Of course, if the dish is served with heavy sauces and processed that strain the liver and require lengthy digestion is not assured sense of serenity and well-being.

So go ahead to the dough if we maintain the lightness without excessively increasing the caloric value!





What does the Author


I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.


  • Comments to the publication reported on Facebook

    Giancarlo Vischi:
    Thanks Cinzia !!! As in all things I think it depends a lot on the quantity if you get fat or not. As for the quality ,instead I would like to break a lance in favor of those small realities that exist in the south and that give us an enviable quality.

    Cynthia Tosini:
    We were commenting precisely with “the experts” (I do it right to call them that… to make them angry ;-). We talked about flour with Roberto Giuliani. It’ a big problem, and the right information must be given to divert consumers towards more quality products, who do not use tainted grain alas. I recently met Mauro Musso, a pasta producer who uses organic flours, or better “do not contaminate”. I don't like this term very much because in Italy it is often used abused…

    Roberto Giuliani:‎
    Mauro Musso è persona deliziosa, ho ancora un pacco dei suoi tajarin.

    Cynthia Tosini: ‎
    Roberto, ah be allora è tutto un altro parlare! I confirm, persona veramente di quellegiuste🙂 I suoi tajarin… buoni, buoni!

    Roberto Giuliani:
    Il problema Cinzia è che un pacco di pasta di Mauro costa 4-5 euro, quanti se lo possono permettere? Allora mi viene da dire: tutti questi bei discorsi sulla sana alimentazione lasciano il tempo che trovano”, perché mangiare sano oggi è un lusso, quindi dovremmo essere tutti capaci di tornare al km0, al coltivatore diretto (come faccio da qualche anno), e soprattutto a mangiare con grande misura, perché più mangi e più il tuo organismo non ce la fa a liberarsi delle tossine e dei metalli accumulati. Siamo molto lontani dal mangiare sano, and we use this term improperly attributing it to the type of dishes and not to theirs “health state”. Otherwise no one would have eaten mussels for a long time, not even cooked,since they are scavengers of the sea and our seas are very polluted. The important thing is to know and accept that we don't eat healthy but what we like regardless.

    Cynthia Tosini: ‎
    Roberto sure! In Italy you eat too much as well as badly! I worked for many years alongside specialists who treated obesity, and many other food-related diseases. So I assure you that I speak with knowledge of the facts. You have to eat less and more often (a first or second), better, looking for quality products. In short, little but good of everything! Perfect is the km 0! Per quanto riguarda l’utilità di questi discorsi… friends, mi piace troppo l’argomentoterra con i suoi prodotti, e vivere sanoquindi continuo ad oltranza perché mi fa star bene! So che a qualcuno risulto un porompimah che devo farci, la mia “nature” is so! 😉

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